Why Lemon Water?

Why Lemon Water?

Why Lemon Water?

Posted on September 25, 2022

For some time now, I've been promoting lemon water. But why? What's so special about lemon water? Well, for starters, it's become my ONE foundational habit that creates energy and momentum in my life each and every day. It serves as my daily reminder to be my best, and why I commit to personal growth and high performance living.

The big decision

A few years ago, I made a major life-altering decision to stop drinking ALCOHOL. It was no longer serving me. In fact, drinking only served me a false sense of self and a distorted reality, and it became a life deteriorating habit of mine for over thirty years.

Since then, I made changes. Big and small!

The universe sends clues

I love podcasts! And I've been obsessed with personal growth, and I listen to a ton of those folks who practice and preach self improvement: Tony Robbins, Robin Sharma, Dean Graziosi, Brendon Burchard, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Tom Bilyeu, and the list goes on an on. One day, while listening to a podcast on one of my morning walks, the featured guest talked about beginning his day with a glass of lemon water. He then proceeded to outline the benefits and reasons why drinking lemon water became an integral part of his morning routine. I had to try it! 

Hydrate to start your day

The benefits of drinking lemon water starts with hydration. If you're like me, you may wake up in the morning feeling groggy, sluggish or like you didn't get enough sleep. That's how I felt! Well, it turns out, we're dehydrated. Let me emphasize this: DEHYDRATED. If you want to create a simple habit to combat dehydration, drink a tall glass of water upon waking to rehydrate yourself. Not coffee! That continues the depletion process. you can have your cup of Joe later. Now, good ole filtered tap water works fine. But, thanks to the podcast guest, I learned to supercharge my morning water intake with LEMON and HIMALAYAN sea salt. The magic formulation floods your system with Vitamin C and essential minerals to hydrate and fire up your internal engine, your metabolism, along with a swell of other health benefits that I will share in a later blog post.

Start a new habit (or morning routine)

My point is, one simple habit can change the course of your life! For me, drinking a tall warm glass of lemon water when I wake up has become the cornerstone and the constant for me. I'm doing something positive for my body and my health as the sun rises. (Even before the sun awakens!) Few people make their bed first thing in the morning. I drink lemon water. It sets my day up for success. It sets the tone for my personal growth journey. And it's so darn tasty, juicy, refreshing, energizing, uplifting, immunizing, hydrating, and not to mention a loving self care act that I do for myself to be my best self and live my best life!

Joy, peace, love & lemon water!





"It's never too late to be what you could have been." - George Eliot

Are you ready to start believing in yourself and achieve your ambitions? I believe in you, and I'm in your corner, because you are worth it! Send a message and let's go on this journey, together. Get my FREE 5-to-Thrive Morning Ritual Guide here .

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