My Forties

Well, it's November 17, 2022 at 9p and I just kissed my almost 10 year old son good night. He wasn't born yet when I turned 40. His birth was just two months away. 

Big changes happened when I turned forty. My wife and I moved to the suburbs, Glen Ellyn, IL. I had lived in the city all of my life up until that moment so it was a big deal. 

My forties...

I was still trying to establish myself in my creative career.

My father had passed a way just before I turned 39.

I was caring for an aging parent who needed assisted living, battled health issues, depression, anxiety and bad knees.

I became a member of two suburban theatre companies. Did a few shows.

I had two boys. 

Bought a house in Wheaton

Lossed a step father in law and other family members that battled illness and passed away.

Worked at 4 companies.

Was laid off in 2014.

Went from Sr. Copywriter to Creative Director.

More than doubled my income.

Quit drinking. 

Lost 25 pounds. 

Became a certiified high performance coach.

Who I became by the end of my forties was someone who embraced change, personal growth. Someone who was trying to become a better person. More aware. More kind. On a path to living my best life. Free from alcohol. Free from the insecurity. More confident. More positive. More certain of my vision of who I want to become in the future. 

50s, I do not know what you have in store for me, but I'm ready!

"It's never too late to be what you could have been." - George Eliot

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