Ask For What You Want

Ask For What You Want

Ask For What You Want

Posted on September 26, 2022

Have you ever wanted something, really wanted something, but you were too afraid to ask? A promotion. More time to do a project. Support from your spouse. If you have children like me, then you know kids are mini masters at asking for what they want or need. What do they have to lose, right? Nothing, but everything to gain. I've said NO a million times to my boys, and they find a million and one different ways to ask again until they get what they're after. But as adults, we're hesitant or afrain to ask. We've forgotten how easy or even necessary it is to ask for what we want. Maybe it's fear of rejection or a lack of confidence. Or maybe we feel that we're unworthy of receiving. We drown ourselves in guilt, embarrassment or shame to even think to ask for what we want. 

Ask and you shall receive

I'm a believer! I've tried it and it works! I've learned early in life to ASK FOR WHAT I WANT. I ask and ask and ask. I've become an asker. I asked my wife to marry me. She said yes. I couldn't believe it and still can't! I asked for a window office one time and received it. I've asked for a promotion. I got it, but not on my timetable. I asked for help countless times and was successful. 

I've asked for forgiveness.

I've asked for money.

I've asked a woman to go out on a date.

I've asked my kids to clean their rooms. (Epic fail! Most times.)

I've asked my wife to make my favorite dish.

I've asked for a raise.

I've asked for a job.

I've asked for a table by the window.

I've asked someone to buy something I was selling.

I've asked for a ride home.

I've asked a co-worker to cover for me.

I've asked for time off. 

I've asked my friends to go to dinner.

I've asked for water (no ice!).

I practice asking everyday. For things that I want. Need. And desire. I love getting NOs too. It gets me closer to YES! Remember that you gain more influence when you ask for what you want.

Ask and you shall receive.

Joy, peace, love & lemon water...


"It's never too late to be what you could have been." - George Eliot

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