Meet Billy

Your Certified High Performance Coach

Hey! Thanks for popping by to learn more about me and high performance coaching. I'm a Dad, Creative Director, Actor, and Certified High Performance Coach. My mission is to improve people's lives and promote personal, sustainable growth. 

I've been on a self-improvement journey for more than twenty years, but there was ONE THING getting in my way of being the best version of myself. ALCOHOL. I was a habitual drinker (a binger, at times!) for more than thirty years. While there was plenty of good, hard fun along the way, there was also a lot of regret, hurt, hangovers, poor health, low ambition, and average performance as a result. 

A few years ago, I finally said: enough was enough. And I asked myself, what would my life look like without alcohol? That question and the decision to stop, changed my life forever! 

I'm a positive role model for my two boys. So, I began working hard on myself, and my whole world opened up. My transformation led me from ordinary to extraordinary at a rapid clip. Promotions, weight loss, better health, improved relationships, enormous amounts of energy, detailed clarity, sharper focus and tons of PURPOSE. 

Now, with my life's journey, I desired to combine my love for teaching and coaching with my passion for personal growth to set out on my mission to improve lives and help individuals overcome the one thing that may be holding them back from being exceptional. I believe that when you work on yourself from the inside, your whole world on the outside changes for the better. 

Let's grow, together!

Billy, Your CHPC

Joy, Peace, Love, & Lemon Water

"It's never too late to be what you could have been." - George Eliot

Are you ready to start believing in yourself and achieve your ambitions? I believe in you, and I'm in your corner, because you are worth it! Send a message and let's go on this journey, together. Get my FREE 5-to-Thrive Morning Ritual Guide here .

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